The Ancient Historian

Ancient history, mountaineering, cycling and other outside adventures

Archive for the category “Freddie Wilkinson”


I can feel it fairly intensely now; departure in three weeks! I did my gear checklist, all there except a few small items. Finally starting to get some core work in, and some long rides planned for this weekend beginning early tomorrow AM


Meanwhile, hey it’s Summer. Which means Summer reading. I wont bore you with all the reading I have to get done for work. I have a guilty pleasure in taking breaks and tucking into my regular mags like Velonews and The Economist. But more fun still are mountaineering books. There’s no end to them, and lots of good ones in fact, unlike the mountaineering movies. Why can’t anyone make a good one? Anyway. I promised a while ago I would review Ed Viesturs K2 and I will soon. It’s a good one. I am finishing now Freddie Wilkinson‘s One Mountain Thousand Summits, and I just got today a signed copy of Jim Davidson and Kevin Vaughan’s new The Ledge, already getting great press. That one looks great.


More soon.




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